Illustration on the cover of 'Learning to change'
Bleke Zon - Ria Lap

Léon de Caluwé (born 1950) is senior partner at Twynstra, management consultants, Amersfoort (the Netherlands) and part-time professor at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He has thirty years of experience as a practitioner in all sectors of the society. He has a substantial list of publications, got his Ph.D on change processes and does research on the work of management consultants.
His areas of expertise are: change processes, gaming and management consultancy.

With regard to change one studies how change processes develop, what kind of interventions work, what kind of interventions match certain changes, what kind of contexts are relevant and what competencies and attitudes of change agents are desired. The so called theory of colors (an oversight of change thoughts) is very popular.
Gaming is a set of interventions which are aimed to give participants learning experiences. They are executed in a group setting and in a powerful simulated learning environment. Thinking and doing are tightly coupled and the learning experiences are tuned towards the daily practices.
In the research on management consultancy: roles, interventions and effects of the work of management consultants are studied and implications for practitioners are described.

Léon de Caluwé has an extensive list of publications. He got several professional awards for his work. He worked in several international contexts. He is board member of the management consultancy division of the Academy of Management.